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Field Day Time Of Fellowship For Hams

The Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club didn't break any records for the amount of contacts made at this year's Field Day, but as most of the members will tell you, they're more about having fun and practicing the art of radio than racking up huge numbers. The PVARC ran under the club call sign of W5ZU as a 3A NM station with two of it's stations being operated from the tailgate of vehicles.

Rix Lewis, K5RDL, worked mostly the digital format FT8 making numerous domestic contacts as well as several in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina on 15 meters. Rix also worked some SSB voice on a Buddipole in a standard dipole configuration.

Gerald Cox, W0COX, also worked out of his tailgate making approximately 15 contacts by seven hours into the event. Gerald ran a Kenwood TS-480 on 40 meters with a Buddipole in a vertical configuration.

Garry Blosser, NM5GB, also operated his TS-480 from inside the club's radio room. Garry, along with several other guest operators including Meredith, KE5COL, made contacts on 20 meters using a Broadband Butterfly Terminated Dipole antenna, or BBTD.

Hams Kelly Keith, KF5ZNJ, David Cacy, KC5OEH and Jim Tucker, KB0QNW, (behind the camera), marvel at a home brew evaporative air cooler constructed by Gerald Cox.

A big thanks goes out to all those who helped make this year's Field Day a success.

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