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POTA Happens Despite Rain

Several members of the Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club decided on having fun with a planned POTA activation despite a forecasted 90% chance of heavy monsoonal rain. Stacy Pharis, KI5MIT, suggested the event several weeks prior with additional hams coming on board as the August 20th date approached. Then, on that Saturday, with a flood advisory in progress and a light rain falling, a POTA was activated with Gerald Cox, (W0COX), setting up operations at Bottomless Lakes State Park around 7:00 AM, followed shortly by Michael Chavez, (KB5MC). Stacy, (KI5MIT), was also present as were newcomers to the POTA experience, Jim Tucker, (KB0QNW), and Rodger Askham, (W5RKA). The 20 meter band was running well as about 50 contacts were made collectively across approximately 10 states. Despite getting a little wet, all participants had a great time.


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