PVARC Announces Temporary Meeting Places
During Thursday night's Yucca Two Meter Net, PVARC President Garry Blosser announced temporary locations for the club's regularly scheduled meetings. Saturday October the 19th saw the worst flooding in Roswell in nearly 100 years causing the Spring River to overflow its banks. Those flood waters rose to 5 feet in the club's meeting room causing massive destruction of the club's radios and other property. The Saturday morning coffee klatches will be held at 9:00 AM at Los Cerritos Mexican Food restaurant located at 2103 N. Main Street in Roswell. Los Cerritos offers a wide variety of Mexican and American breakfast, lunch and dinner plates. Please come prepared to buy at a beverage and don't forget to tip the wait staff.
Regularly scheduled business meetings will temporarily be held at the Eagles lodge located at 3201 Sunset in Roswell. The next meeting is Saturday, November 2nd at 9:00 AM. For question or more details, call Garry Blosser at 575.420.0822.